Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Love Triscuits!

Triscuits are my favorite cracker for a variety of reasons. Firstly, they are strong, so they are great for dipping and scooping even in the thickest, hardest, and most impenetrable concoctions. Triscuits are also one of the most healthy snacks out there as they are baked and not full of butter and oils like other popular crackers. They are whole grain, lightly salted, and not overly processed. Triscuits also have flavor just by themselves, so they don't have to be covered with fattening dips and spreads to be enjoyed. Triscuits also come in a variety of flavors so you can explore different tastes without switching brands and giving up their wholesome goodness. Triscuits are also quite affordable and go on sale often as they are not "specialty" or "gourmet" crackers.

Here are two of my favorite Triscuit recipes:

1. Cream cheese and smoked salmon:
Get some regular unseasoned cream cheese and a little bit of smoked salmon. Make sure that cream cheese is semi-soft before you start. Crumble about 1 part of smoked salmon into 4 parts of cream cheese and mix together with a fork. Then spread this delightful mix onto your favorite Triscuit flavor and enjoy. I guarantee that you and your friends will go absolutely crazy for this. It works great for an appetizer or for parties.

2. Triscuit Mini-Pizzas:
Get your favorite type of tomato spaghetti sauce, a nice cheddar, mozzarella, and/or any type of cheese you enjoy, and some pepperoni, and/or any of your favorite pizza toppings. Spread a little bit of the spaghetti sauce on top of your favorite Triscuit flavor, add your cheese on top of that, and then finish topping your Triscuit with your chosen pizza topping. You can now either pop this in the microwave until the cheese has melted or bake them in the oven. Triscuits are great for this little treat as they are so sturdy and free of oils that they remain firm and crispy instead of turning to cheese soaked mush like other crackers.

Do you love Triscuits too? Do you have any great Triscuit recipes to share? Please click on the comments button below and share your thoughts with everyone, and thank you for visiting my site!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am amazed to see such simple, yet fantastic ways to enjoy Triscuits.

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